Tuesday, May 10, 2011

My kittens

I have a kittens. Its name is caty's. I like it is so much. Yesterday mu mom bought a basket. It is big and nice . Caty's like it. Monday until sunday I give caty's a milk. I also give caty's a food. I is a fish. If I not have a food I give caty's a milk. I allwas play with caty's. If I don't have a friend I play with caty's only and I my sister I happy and my sister also happy. thank you mom finish by caty's


I have a dog
It is cute
I like it
It name Ayu
Everyday I give It milk
If Ayu hungry
I give It some food
If Ayu hungry It bark me
I like Ayu
It is soft
And so cute
Thank you mom

Saturday, May 7, 2011